For clients

Documents for uploading

Airway Bill

It’s a document confirming the existence of a contract between the consignor and the carrier (airline or airline agent) for the carriage of cargo by the carrier's airlines.

Bill of Lading

It is a document of merchandise management, a security issued by a sea carrier of cargo to its sender, certifying the acceptance of the cargo for transportation and containing an obligation to deliver the cargo to the destination and transfer it to the recipient.

Customs declaration

It is a statement of the established form in which a person indicates the customs procedure to be applied to goods, and the information provided by law about the goods, the conditions and methods of their movement across the customs border of Ukraine, and regarding the calculation of customs payments necessary for the application of this procedure.

EX1 Form

This is an official document confirming the exporter's intention to export goods outside a specific country or customs union. It contains detailed information about the goods, their quantity, origin, destination, price, and information about the exporter and importer.

CMR Form

Goods’ consignment note for international transportation.

Certificate of origin

This is an official document that confirms that the exported goods originate from the relevant country. This document entitles you to receive preferences (import benefits) in the country of import.

T1 Form

This is a document that is a customs guarantee and is used for goods crossing the territory of the EU (European Union) in transit or to guarantee the delivery of goods from the EU border to a customs warehouse or internal customs or vice versa.

TIR1 Form

This is a customs cargo document that gives the right to transport goods across the border of states in customs-sealed car bodies or containers under simplified customs procedures.

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